Heli access to Forbes Hut
Public land
Abseil canyon hunter valley 1st full decent ( named after the peak at the head of the canyon)
Andrew Humphreys and Ross Fraser had been in here 7 years before but had to abort mission to make the Heli out.
The canyon starts at around 850m altitude with the huge chock stone in the 1st picture and is a continuous quality canyon all the way to the valley floor. Numerous jumps up to 10 meters a sweet abseil to jump slide and some juicy abseils with the biggest pitch 25-30m I would say.
This canyon deserves some repeat action in my humble opinion.
The canyon is bolted with 10mm bolts natural anchors and 4 rock bridges with Dyneema. Maybe take something to get through these 10mm holes if the Dyneema is gone.
First descent by Owen Glover, Pete Choate, Andrew Humphreys, Ross Fraser, Kaden Anderson, Derek Steffens, March 2020