Agility Creek v3a2III*

Public access
Arthurs Pass area

Steep, vertical alpine descent, well worth the walk.

Graham Stream v3a2III*

30m (2x35m)
Public access

A steep, vertical alpine descent using mostly natural anchors makes this a classic Arthur’s Pass canyon.

Barrack Creek v5a4IV***

Public access

Barrack Creek is a steep, aquatic and vertical alpine descent. Polished rocks, deep green pools, the back to back nature of the waterfalls, and the fantastic end series of rappels makes this a classic three-star canyon. Make sure you have suitable experience and a strong team.

Bealey’s Black Canyon v4a2III

Public access

Bealey River is a steep alpine descent. Its scenic approach has great views of the peaks and valleys of Arthur’s Pass.Anchors are mostly bolted. The rock is fractured and loose in parts as the area is subject to multiple large avalanches in winter off the side of Mt Rolleston. Leave any descent to later in the season to let the avalanche debris melt.