Bedford Stream v5a5VI***

80m max pitch

7-8hrs to the 1020m start point from the Dart Road end…

1.5-2hrs from the finish of the canyon back to the road end

Explored over 3 days in 2015 by Benjamin Buchy, David “Garcia” Molero, Shane Adams, Mark Crawford, Gustavo “Gus” Schiavon. (9 March, 17 March, 2nd April)

The team started with the started with the ‘middle’ section, followed by the ‘lower’ then finished with an attempt on the ‘upper’ section, which ended in a twisted ankle and SAR callout.

These attempts are fully documented on Gus Schiavon’s blog: Images courtesy Gus Schiavon. Topo by Ben Buchy.

There has been no complete top to bottom descent recorded

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