Big Devil Creek v4a5III

This canyon is on private land.

Much of the lower Rees valley is privately owned. The owners of Rees Valley Station are willing to consider requests for access to some of these canyons. Permission must be gained in advance for each and every visit. Farming operations may mean access will not be granted.

Specific permission must be gained for every visit, well in advance. Farms are work places. Often there will be farming operations on the land that could be dangerous (such as earthworks). Other times, the presence of people could disturb livestock, such as during mustering or breeding season. Generally, land owners just want to know if there are people on their land for the safety of the visitors, the livestock and to ensure that farming operations are not affected. Be courteous when phoning for permission and remember that access is a privilege, not a right. If you are granted access, ensure that you thank the owners and obey any restrictions they may have.  Leave any gates as you find them (open or closed), do not annoy any animals and certainly leave your dog at home.  If you see the owner on your visit, take the time to say thank you in person. A small gift such as a box of beer or tin of baking goes a long way to keeping the good will alive, which we rely on to visit these canyons. If you are refused access, respect the owner’s decision, be polite and find another canyon to visit.

Email  scotts(AT)  to request permission.

Approach: Access is over private farm land, prior permission is required. From the track to
25 Mile Hut, ascend the TR to 1050m contour.

Descent: Lots of boulder downclimbing. Very deep canyon for the last quarter (~25m)
unknown number or height of rappels.