Brunton Stream v3a2IV*

Highest Drop 23m

Time 10 hrs

Public Access but the walk out crosses Private Land. See Topo for access details

A good adventure canyon with a big walk up a good track followed by a 600m+ decent. An ‘interesting’ entry after arriving at the Hihi Trig leads into thick supplejack. This very steep bush entry point takes you to a more favourable open stream with 13+ pitches. The stream has local history with a dam site leftover from the logging days. There are a couple of slides. Although not great there are also a couple of possible jumps. One very neat pitch also has a multi tonne chock stone perched above your head whilst abseiling. 

First Descent: James Mclean, Sacha Knight, Shanan Fraser, Pete Smith 10/10/2020 

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