Haehaenga Stream (1st/main tributary) v3a2III*

30m Public Access Steep, Low flow Stream accessed via the Bald Spur summit track from Te Aroha Domain. It is advised to park a shuttle car at the first bridge heading south out of town on Te Aroha-Gordon Road to avoid a long walk back to town at the end of the day!Natural anchors and…

Tui Canyon v3a2I*

Public access

Short and sweet, with easy access and low flow: this is probably the most descended canyon within range of Christchurch!

Raving Torrent v4a4V*

Public access

3hrs in, a number of slides and jumps, and a bigwater swim exit.

Bridges Creek v5a4V*

Private land: permission required

Inconsistent canyon, but with a couple of cool features.