Camp Stream v3a2II*

Highest drop 30m Public access 7-10hrs Waterfall tramping through spectacular cliffs, with great views to the east. Download reasearch sheet for Camp Creek, Kauaeranga Valley

Navy Creek v3a1III*

Highest drop 22m Public access 11 Pitches down a low flow stream Some brief info on Facebook

Hodgekinson Creek v3a2II

Highest drop 15-35m depending on which tree anchor you access.  Rappels are mostly just required to descend boulders that are not safe to down climb, so the number of rappels and their length depends on your down-climbing ability. Don’t set yourself short on rope!! 4-7hrs round trip, depending on access (4WD or MTB) and downclimbing…

Monkey Puzzle Gorge v2a4III*

There is more information on this canyon available, but I’ve not had time to process it. This page is a ‘place holder’ designed to indicate the canyon has been descended. More info will be posted once I get round to it! Happy Canyoning! Chucky