Not Stoney Canyon v4a2III*

There is more information on this canyon available, but I’ve not had time to process it. This page is a ‘place holder’ designed to indicate the canyon has been descended. More info will be posted once I get round to it! Happy Canyoning! Chucky

Curtis Creek v4a3III*

This canyon is fully described in the Canyoning in NZ guidebook. This canyon is now almost fully bolted. You can download an updated Topo for Curtis Creek.

Blue River v4a5III*

There is more information on this canyon available, but I’ve not had time to process it. This page is a ‘place holder’ designed to indicate the canyon has been descended. More info will be posted once I get round to it! Happy Canyoning! Chucky

Gangers Creek v3a2II*

Max pitch 27m (2x30m ropes) 1h30/3h30/30min (approach/descent/return) Public access Nicely sculpted shallow canyon, with low water volume and lots of short to medium rappels. First descent: Dave Vass, Alain Rohr, James Speirs 2008. The first descent party were attempting to do the 2nd descent of Cross Creek, but got a little lost and ended up…