17m (2×40) | 6hrs | Public Access
Haast Pass (insert the area name here)
Paste the canyon’s character summary here.
Streams with canyon potential. Either from thier appearance on a map, or from observation nearby
17m (2×40) | 6hrs | Public Access
Haast Pass (insert the area name here)
Paste the canyon’s character summary here.
There appear to be 3 canyons coming off Isthmus Pk and into Lake Wanaka – accessible only by boat. Have good shape, canyon exits similar to Camp ck and Waterfall Ck just to north. However the rosehip and bracken make the approaches too formidable many.
Waterfall tramping, appears to be a few drops and a short gorge, but quite a way from the road. Download the research info sheet Little Jordan Stream
Perhaps suitable as a introductory ‘waterfall tramping trip’ A couple of marked falls in a very small stream. Public access, perhaps a little gorse/scrub to negotiate… Download research sheet for Belmont Trig Stream