5 drops observed from nearby tramping track, 10-30m approximately Public access Probably 10hr+ waterfall tramping trip, with several huts in the vicinity. Download Research Sheet for Armstrong Canyon
Category: Beta-less Canyons
Canyons that have been descended, but insufficient information is known to make an accurate CanyonTopo
Waterfall Creek
Highest drop 60+m Public access 16hrs (2 days) Remote waterfall tramping trip. Yet to be fully completed! Download info sheet for Waterfall Creek, Eastern Ruahines
Webb Creek (probably about v3a2III*)
Highest drop 30m Public access 8hrs Low volume waterfall tramping Download info sheet for Webb Creek, Kaueranga valley
Waikoau Stream
Public access, but permit required for exit route. Apparently a deep narrow canyon, unsure of drops, but moderate sized catchment. Download infosheet for Waikoau Stream, Hawkes Bay