Unknown Absiel height. Potential to be quite large (50-60m or greater) Probably 5-6hrs round trip. Public access Significant volume. Download research sheet for Sudden Valley Stream
Category: Beta-less Canyons
Canyons that have been descended, but insufficient information is known to make an accurate CanyonTopo
Mangakino Stream
A tyre tube float trip apparently Public access. Download research sheet for Mangakino Stream
One North Of Mary Stream Waterfall
Descended March 2014 by Alain Rohr, Holly Officer and Jethro Robinson. Steep alpine Canyon. One large Drop observed (100m), but more incised than the Mary Stream Waterfall. Access looks steep, best bet appears to be the TR. 1.5hr walk up Hopkins valley from end of 2WD access track. 4WD and MTB access to Monument Hut.
Pass Creek
Just the look on the Topo and the ease of access. Alain R says he saw something ‘interesting’ from a scenic flight over the stream.. “pass creek is done. i did it with sott,jeff and a french boy. you don’t need a rope there. it’s nice about all the different kind of rock you pass….