Appears to be a short float trip in the Tararua’s.. Appears to be little in the way of rapids or technical sections, so probably just a3. More info on a DOC website;
Category: Beta-less Canyons
Canyons that have been descended, but insufficient information is known to make an accurate CanyonTopo
25 Mile Creek
This canyon is on private land. Much of the lower Rees valley is privately owned. The owners of Rees Valley Station are willing to consider requests for access to some of these canyons. Permission must be gained in advance for each and every visit. Farming operations may mean access will not be granted. Specific permission…
Big Devil Creek v4a5III
This canyon is on private land. Much of the lower Rees valley is privately owned. The owners of Rees Valley Station are willing to consider requests for access to some of these canyons. Permission must be gained in advance for each and every visit. Farming operations may mean access will not be granted. Specific permission…
Waima Gorge
Download Research sheet for Waima Gorge Landowners are reluctant to grant access via the vehicle track to the north. (Long daytrip option) However, Andrew Watson and friends gained permission for a 3 day Gorge Tramping trip via Isolation Hut and Zoo Hut. Looks like a classic gorge float/scrambling/tramping trip, rather than a pure canyoning trip. A…