Chasm Creek v6a5VII***

80m max drop

4-6 days round trip, including an 8 pitch climbing approach and a bivvy in the canyon

More images and info to come….

Chasm creek in Fiordland first descent a gorgeous deep gorge section and some beautiful open waterfalls after the gorge section as well!


The approach for this canyon went by way of climbing on gear for 8 or 9 pitches over 2 days to reach the top of the gorge and the beautiful te puoho glacier!


An amazing 7 day journey 2 days scouting 2 day approach and 2 days in the canyon with a one day exit! Special thanks to Andrew Humphreys for the weather forecasts via in reach on this one!


Team was for this trip was Jasmine Li Teruhito Oki Ryoji Onishi and myself!

Austin Edwards

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