2 Trip reports Log your trip

  1. Martin Wilson says:

    Paul and I did the FC on low flow, it hadn’t rained for at least 3 weeks. Biked in to bridge and walked from there. We repositioned the sling on the second 20m abseil as the tree was dead. On the last abseil (shared with WW) the water was low enough to abseil in one 25m straight down the flow. At the river we walked down to FF but it was completely dry. We’ll come back another day. The walk back upstream to bridge is quite pleasant.

  2. Megan Sety says:

    We’ve done this canyon a few times and its clear after the past year of heavy rainfalls many of the pools have filled in with gravel. Despite the highest water level that we’ve been down on this trip, nearly all of the pools were no longer safe to jump.

    Thanks for the anchors guys – they are in great condition.

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