Long Drop Canyon v4a2II

Canyon name:Long Drop
General area:Arthur’s Pass
Character:An easily accessible pretty mossy bedrock canyon low flow, perfect for beginners.

Best after heavy rain.
Start of the canyon (topomap link):https://www.topomap.co.nz/NZTopoMap?v=2&ll=-42.939631,171.575832&z=14&pin=1
Carpark (google maps link):https://goo.gl/maps/t6A6uGbaVycQHvRH8
Highest waterfall:35m
Suggested gear:2x 40m
Canyon dimensions:500m vertical
Anchors:Natural anchors
Approach time:2 hours
Descent time:3 hours
Back to your car time:5 minutes
Approach by car:State Highway 73 to Arthur’s Pass and park by the Railway Station rest rooms.

Walk to start of Mt Aicken track. [5 minutes]
Access:Public access
Approach on foot:Follow Mt Aicken track to the bushline, then sidle across to the first obvious gully.
Canyon descent description:Short downclimb, then a series of 14 rappels, up to 35m on the 2nd last drop.

Canyon quality improves, along with water flow as you descend.
A beautiful view to the village from R4 with a couple of horizon line anchors.

Quality bedrock throughout. Very low flow, so a good option after heavy rain and manageable.

A great beginners intro to Arthurs Pass and using natural rigging en masse.

A huge bonus of ending right beside the railway station, and back through the tunnel to the car in 5 minutes.
Committment/Escapes:In parts it feels very canyon like, but escapes are possible, descent possible by abseiling down through the beech forest.
Other notes:Nearest cafe and restaurant five minutes from the end of the canyon.
First descent:James Abbott, Grant Prattley, Nola Collie, Aaron Dawson 2022 February 7
Thank you to Nola Collie for the information and photographs

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