Rangihau Rd is not maintained by the council, but the local landowners.
The recent popularity of Oteao and Rangihau has lead to a significant increase in vehicle traffic, and locals who maintain the road are concerned about damage to the road.
Please drive slowly and carefully, and avoid using the road during/after rain.
It is vital to keep a good relationship with the landowners (who pay for road maintenance) If we ruin a relationship, then the access might remain closed permanently.
Please inform your friends and canyoning buddies and watch this space for updates:
Dan Clearwater NZCA President & Brad Schimanski NZCA Local area rep
This is the full Rangihau Gorge, from the headwaters to the road end. The Lower Rangihau Gorge, accessed via Bulls Run Canyon is a great trip in its own right.
2x 60m ropes needed
Public access
Long open river bouldery river with multiple waterfall canyon sections separated by long river walking sections
This is a big day out, both current single day descents have exited in the dark!
Full canyon style decent: Brad Schimanski, James Mcclean, Tim Bailey , Erin Allison Maxwell, Beth St John, Karl Mathews, Tim Donnan, Anthony Garea, Jake Simpson, Michael Eiche.
Thank you to Brad Schiamanski for the original topo, Dan Clearwater for some topo edits, Brad and Pete Smith for Photos.
Image gallery, in order from start to finish