Highest drop 25m
Public access
A relatively short canyon, with a more open upper section with pools, jumps and swims. Then the canyon closes in for several drops, including a very impressive pitch into a giant cavern.
Guidebook updates:
This canyon is fully described in the Canyoning in NZ guidebook. Below are the updates to the 2015 edition. These are all incorporated into the downloadable topo above.
11 November 2023
After the ‘Roundy roundy’ pool, there is a new pitch where the ‘J2m’ has now become a 4m rappel from double bolts on the TL. (this new pitch was formed when a log jam at the end of the pool collapsed, and the pool level dropped by over 2m!)
There is a single bolt, TR, below R4 and prior to the J3m/DC TR. This is to help protect the downclimb.
There is a double bolt anchor TL at R5.
There is a double bolt anchor to rig an approach line to R6. The bolts are hidden slightly above head hiegh on the TL behind a crack. Approximately 8m prior to the waterfall pourover.
The final pitch has double bolt anchors TL and TR.
05 Nov 2017
The logjam at R8 has been partially demolished by a rockfall.
R7 and R8 are now downclimbs. There are some quite scary ‘holes’ between boulders where you would not want to slip. Take extra care when traversing this logjam / rockfall.
29 Mar 2017
Work has begun on upgrading the highway bridge over Robinson creek. There are likely to be construction vehicles working in/around the “Carpark” area. Make sure you park well clear of any potential operations, even considering parking at a different location.
Also, the earthworks will make the water reference picture irrelevant, with changes to the stream bed and bridge structure. Take care evaluating the water levels for yourself.

Great trip. We tightened A few loose bolts.
option pool jump from 6m
Descend in moderate / high flow. Quite a few new logs throughout the canyon. All anchors survived the winter.
A quick trip through Robinson, Some of the pools are shallower than last season so definitely worth using the goggles before jumping. A new anchor station was placed not too long ago on TL after the roundy roundy pool, very obvious and hard to miss.
Fun canyon. Indeed very short but very pretty.
Great canyon, all anchors, jumps etc were good
Nothing new to report. All good to go.
All anchors are good to go, though some mailons are a tad rusty. R2 pool was clear to jump.
Busy day for Robinson – didn’t bump into other parties inside the canyon, but there was a car parked there before us, and another party peered down at us from the rim at the cavern pitch.
15/4/16 Pretty cold in there, water perhaps medium to high-ish. All anchors in good condition. A few of the log jams have shifted a little bit. Take extra care!!
Descended on 28-Jan 2014; all anchors in place, pools clear for jumps, medium water level.
Short and sweet. Descended 4-Feb 2014. Well bolted. Didymo free.
Glad to hear about your descent. Robinson was definitely infected with Didymo in 2012, so even though it may not be obvious, please ensure that you treat it as infected and check, clean, dry… (like i’m sure that you do for all canyoning trips in NZ ;0)
Descended 11 Jan 2012, with Pip Furness and Toine Houtenbos.
Very low water conditions. Bolts in good shape, but replaced some sling and a maillon.
Several log jams have been washed away, and others re-formed. Of note, just after the cavern, are two very unstable log jams. Treat these with the utmost suspicion, approaching one at a time over the false floor 5m above the canyon!!