Stonewall Canyon v4a3II*

This canyon is fully described in the Canyoning in NZ guidebook.


Climbing the TL shoulder has some exposed climbing but once on top of the spur there is a roughly cut track traversing below the high ridge to a scree slope slip. Descend down here to the river bed.

TOPO changes :  

R1 is now a small climb up to a double bolt anchor on TR. Ā redirect also on TR is also in place above the lip of waterfall but caution for the first descender to reach  it, it is a off balance move (can be easily reached if someone applies human deviation). Ā sling should be installed for the next members to access the deviation easily. The Abseil is now 23m. Going without deviation is still a good option for those confident in Abseiling through flow.

All other Anchors are double bolt Anchors.

The jump pool at R3 should also have caution. At slightly higher flows, it requires bottom protection for the jumper to escape the pool.

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