1071 Canyon

Done in 2015 by the French “Aotearoa Expedition” Apparently it was reasonably short, but pretty good. No other info… Fixed wing access to the Airstrip and a hut nearby… who is going to check it out again and get a topo and some photos??

Tounge spur creek

Apparently its been checked out by locals, who found nothing of interest. No idea how high they started though. No photos available. 

The General v5a3VI****

One of the most committing, sustained and narrow canyons in NZ.  44 pitches, super solid dark schist, deep, narrow, sustained. Don’t forget the “Slot of Doom”, with a handline to access 3 pitches (one including a deviation) on a 45m drop. If it had jumps it might be a 5 star canyon…

End Peak – East Stream

Apparently explored by locals, who reckon there were no features of interest. No idea how high they got in.