Waterfall tramping, appears to be a few drops and a short gorge, but quite a way from the road. Download the research info sheet Little Jordan Stream
Tag: Canterbury
The Lion King v4a3IV*
Highest drop 40m Public access 6.5-8.5hrs A classic case of a great wee canyon with a sub-optimal walk in. An all round adventure that begins with a river crossing then a boulder hop/bash, followed by dense young Beech saplings. Man, I’m really selling it! The canyon is open for the majority of it’s length and…
Pegleg Creek v4a3III*
Highest drop 47m Public access 8.5hrs Pegleg Creek is a big day in a semi-remote alpine canyon. It is mostly bolted but be prepared with natural anchor rigging materials. The upper canyon starts with open waterfalls with easy escapes before giving way more to enclosed steep walls. On the way down the valley there are…
Ryde Falls v3a2II**
Highest drop is 25m Public access 4hrs Less than an hour’s walk in and out on an easy track. It is an ideal spot to practice multi-pitch canyoning before venturing into longer canyons. A 4-pitch canyon with 5 tiers. It is a super fun trip if you like sliding and jumping. Climb back up the…