Highest drop 61m (2x50m ropes, hanging re-belays) Private access up the Wilberforce valley. Notes on access in the canyon topo. 5-8hrshrs Some big pitches, with hanging re-belays in a beautiful greywacke canyon. First Descent, Tom Johns and Keiran Chandler, 15 Feb 2017. Thanks to Tom Johns for the photos and topo information. Download the Draft…
Tag: Canterbury
Hut Stream v5a3IV**
Highest drop 88m (Multipitch waterfall with 2x60m ropes) Private access, notes on permission in the topo 8-9hrs A very vertical outing in a remote and spectacular canyon! Thanks to Tom Johns for the information, sketch topo and photographs. Download the Draft CanyonTopo for Hut Stream
Bridal Veil Creek v4a2II*
The upper canyon was descended in March 2019 by Jonathan Carr et Al. Photos and comments on Facebook; The lower canyon is fully described in the Canyoning in NZ guidebook.
Sudden Valley / Barrier Falls
Unknown Absiel height. Potential to be quite large (50-60m or greater) Probably 5-6hrs round trip. Public access Significant volume. Download research sheet for Sudden Valley Stream