Mangakino Stream

A tyre tube float trip apparently Public access. Download research sheet for Mangakino Stream  

Upper Mangatepopo Stream

SH47, between National Park and Turangi, Western side of Mt Tongarirro. The land to the South East of SH47 is all Tongarirro National Park (open walking access). Observed the ‘Mangatepopo Falls’ (approx 30-40m??) and a reasonably enclosed looking stream whilst over flying the area. Suggest park one car at the SH 47 bridge, then drive…

Ruatahuna Canyon

Waterfall tramping expedition, 3 day trip A reasonably full day accross the Umukarikari range to Bivvy at the head of the Canyon. One day to descend canyon, multiple, tall, back to back waterfalls. One day to bushbash out.. Download research sheet Ruatahuna Canyon