Falls Creek v5a5IV***

80m (60m+20m)
Public access

Very high volume Slot Canyon, with an 80m entrance drop into a cauldron, with spray so feirce you might consider wearing goggles.  Also a “black hole” (torches not needed) about halfway through. 

Smithy Creek

Just from the look on the Topomap. One very large waterfall seen in Google Earth, location correlates to a very steep section seen on topomap. Looks open, bouldery below the major drop, can’t seen in above it. Very large catchment. Probably very committing. Public Access from highway Download research sheet  Smithy Creek

Murcott Burn

Looks interesting on Topo. Good track access. On google earth, one major open fall seen at first major steep section. Looks like there is a bit of debris below the marked slip. Lower section below the forks could be interesting… Public access Download research sheet for Murcott Burn

Pass Creek

Just the look on the Topo and the ease of access. Alain R says he saw something ‘interesting’ from a scenic flight over the stream.. “pass creek is done. i did it with sott,jeff and a french boy. you don’t need a rope there. it’s nice about all the different kind of rock you pass….