Hells Gates Canyon v4a4III**

40m (3x40m)
Private land: permission required

Spectacular in nature; many features encountered during descent are at the nominated overall grade and would be harder if the flow was even slightly higher than low summer flow.

Birdcage Canyon v4a3III**

45m (2x50m)
Private land: Permission required

An exciting aquatic canyon in an alpine environment with the comfort of a hut and all you have driven in by 4wd at arm’s reach. Great when combined with Memorial Canyon.

Thar Creek

First descent in March 2019. Toine Houtenbos, Alain Rohr, Kaden Anderson, Pete Choate

Hodgekinson Creek v3a2II

Highest drop 15-35m depending on which tree anchor you access.  Rappels are mostly just required to descend boulders that are not safe to down climb, so the number of rappels and their length depends on your down-climbing ability. Don’t set yourself short on rope!! 4-7hrs round trip, depending on access (4WD or MTB) and downclimbing…