Chandler Stream (upper) v3a3III*

Highest drop 20m Public Access 4 hrs The upper section of Chandler Stream is of lesser quality than the lower section (see separate topo), but there are still some very nice rappels and enclosed sections that make it a worthwhile addition. Download the Chandler Stream Upper Topo

Chandler Stream (Lower) v3a3II**

Highest drop 16m Public Access 3 hrs Probably the best bang for your buck trip in the region. The lower section of Chandler Stream is quite short but of high quality: continuous, beautiful and enclosed. Reminiscent of Haast Past canyons. Download the Chandler Stream Lower Topo

Shift Creek v4a3IV***

!!! WARNING !!!!               !!! WARNING !!!!                !!! WARNING !!!! In Nov 2017, the 2m wide slot (R15 & R16) was completely blocked by a log jam, caused by a huge slip.  However, it has been slowly clearing out over time. As of Jan…

Canoe Creek, v3a2II (0 stars)

First Descent, Toine Houtenbos and Rikki Brown, 4 May 2014. Access: Lake Head track, East of Lake Rotoiti, about 2hrs to bottom of canyon, (4.5km) Possibility of Water Taxi drop off. “Access is pretty rough. About 1.5hrs [from the lake], three wasp stings and a sketchy traverse later, we ended up in the upper reaches…