Barefoot Burn v4a2III*

Highest drop 45m Public access 8hrs Medium flow canyon with beautiful steep, clean abseils. Steep sidewalls in most places. This canyon is fully featured in the Canyoning in NZ guidebook, available for purchase on this site. Guidebook updates: The Canyon has been partially bolted since the publication of the book. Download the latest Barefoot Burn CanyonTopo

Whiskey Creek v5a2IV*

Highest drop 53m 8-9hrs Public Access Alpine canyon, with back to back drops, hanging re-belays and a huge free hanging pitch over Whiskey falls themselves. Download CanyonTopo for Whiskey Creek    

Whiskey Falls Trip Report

After walking all the way up to the top of Mt Robert and then turning back in moderate rain a few days ago, we were stoked when the weather turned good for us to have a second crack at this first descent. Toine and I were joined by Bernat, a Spanish Canyoner for the day….