Belmont Trig Stream

Perhaps suitable as a introductory ‘waterfall tramping trip’ A couple of marked falls in a very small stream. Public access, perhaps a little gorse/scrub to negotiate… Download research sheet for Belmont Trig Stream

Phillips Stream v3a2IV*

Highest drop 25m 10hrs Public Access Information courtesy of Hayden Richards: More of a rough off track walk than a true canyoning trip, Phillips stream requires a lot of access for not much canyoning. However, it would be worthwhile for trampers seeking a canyon without too much technical challenge or commitment. Download CanyonTopo for  Phillips…

Waipehi Canyon v3a2VI*

Highest Drop 26m  via gully or 70-100m via main canyon 21hrs round trip (Done in two long days, with an overnight at Cattle Ridge Hut) Public Access A huge first pitch that can be avoided if desired. Waterfall tramping, lots of short drops, with some nice gorge sections. Boulder scrambling adventure canyon Download CanyonTopo for Waipehi…

Number One Canyon v3a3IV*

Highest drop 26m Time 8hr30min Public Access Challenging navigation to a low volume canyon with a bit of everything, swims, jumps, slides, raps. This canyon is fully described in the Canyoning in NZ guidebook.