Haehaenga Stream (1st/main tributary) v3a2III*

30m Public Access Steep, Low flow Stream accessed via the Bald Spur summit track from Te Aroha Domain. It is advised to park a shuttle car at the first bridge heading south out of town on Te Aroha-Gordon Road to avoid a long walk back to town at the end of the day!Natural anchors and…

Whataroa Falls Canyon v4a3I*

Public access

A short and sweet canyoning trip 40 minutes from Tauranga. Low commitment trip great for less experienced canyoneers with good off-track navigation skills.

Kauaeranga Gorge v2a3III**

Highest drop 5m

Public access


Interesting tramp to a spectacular gorge, with a number of classic narrow canyon sections and numerous small jumps and swims.

Kaiate Falls Canyon v4a3I*

Highest drop 16m  (2x20m ropes) Public access 1-2hrs This is a short sharp canyon that would be great on a hot summers day as there are some deep pools. The area could get quite busy in summer due to the scenic nature of the falls and the adjacent walking tracks so discretion is advised. It…