The guidebook is now available as a ‘print on demand’ book, produced by Lulu – See the warning below
This is the original 2015 guidebook, with a series of minor revisions, updates and improvements over the original.
Updates and corrections are found on the trip page for each canyon on this website. A summary can be found on the guide book updates page.
Don’t forget; canyons change! Always check on this website for updates to descriptions.
WARNING: About the print-on-demand book
- We’ve had some complaints about pages falling out of the guidebook: so we’re warning prospective buyers that this might be an issue… We are looking into alternative companies / print options, but the small number of sales we make mean this is essentially community service (Ie, there’s no profit in it!) So by all means buy a book, but at your own risk! The images and printing is great: its just the binding which is less than ideal…
Production and shipping is fulfilled through Lulu: if you have problems, please ask them first, and if things are still not right, please contact and I’ll try my best to make it right.
- Current print/delivery time is about 3 weeks from order to arrival at your door.