Twin Creek v5a2III***

Note: Be careful about the names of canyons in this area!

This page refers to the stream labelled “Twin Creek” on the Topo50 map.

The next stream to the north is is labelled “Upper Twin Ck” on the Topo50 map, but is known as Temple Col Canyon

Highest drops

  • Top 35m
  • Middle 40m
  • Lower 70m (55m + 20m pitches)

Up to 6.5hrs

Public access

The top and middle sections of Twin Creek (V4) are reasonably straightforward alpine descents, with well-bolted anchors, good access and plenty of escapes. However, as some rappels are straight through the water, it is not suitable for less experienced canyoners in higher than normal flows. The top and middle sections combined are an excellent trip in their own right with 11 pitches.

The lower section of twin creek (V5) is steep and inescapable for the first five drops. Recommended for experienced canyoners with the capability to undertake multi-pitch rigging on hanging anchor stations. The canyon gets the afternoon sun and enjoys excellent views of Mt Rolleston during the descent, making it an enjoyable day out.

First descent Top section by Grant Prattley, Nola Collie and James Abbott Apr 2016.

Middle and Lower Section ‘Swampy’ Marsh, in the 2000’s. Set up for a commercial canyoning operation.

Download the CanyonTopo for Twin Creek, Arthurs Pass – By Grant Prattley

Photos by Nola Collie, Grant Prattley, Dan Clearwater and Ira Lewis

2 Trip reports Log your trip

  1. Chris says:

    Did the top and middle sections the day after some rain as a group of two. All went okay and lots of fun. Lost an ascender. Went back the next day and did the middle and lower sections. Found the ascender! Flow had decreased. Would recommend being lowered at R12 to access the R13a anchors and then setting a hand line. Did the whole R13 rappel with two 65m ropes and had just enough to gently slide off the end into the shallow pool. Very scenic and cool rappel! However, got the rope stuck on the 20m rocky ledge when pulling. Ended up ascending the stuck rope and rappelling R13b. Would recommend at least the last person down stop at R13b and rig there to avoid a stuck rope. Rest of canyon was fun too and had some strong vertical flow sections.

    • Date -25/02/24
    • Water level -high
    • Anchor conditions -All in good condition
    • Group size -2
    • Time: approach/descent/return (eg: 1hr/4hrs/3mins) -1/5/1min for whole canyon
  2. AdamB says:

    Fun canyon. Very cold day, water was cold, wind was gusting, still fun just mild hypothermia fun. We didn’t check or do any jumps or slides. Started raining hard later in the day, was sprinkling all day. Flow increased marginally by the end of the day with heavy rain, but not enough to cause problems.

    • Date -2/10/24
    • Water level -normal
    • Anchor conditions -All in good condition
    • Group size -4
    • Time: approach/descent/return (eg: 1hr/4hrs/3mins) -1hr/5hr/3mins

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